17000 140th Ave NE, Suite 302
Woodinville, WA 98072


FAX: 425-402-8394

General Anesthesia

Eating or Drinking

For anesthesia it is extremely important that patients have an empty stomach. For this reason, children should not have any food or drink after midnight the night before their appointment, not even water, and nothing in the morning.

Change in Health

Any change in health, especially the development of a cold, cough, flu or fever is extremely important information for the anesthesiologist. Please notify our office if there is any change in your child’s health.


Prescription medications should be taken as scheduled, unless previously indicated by the anesthesiologist, and may be taken only with a sip of water.

Clothing and Contacts

Short sleeves, loose fitting pants and comfortable shoes are advised. Please leave all valuables at home. For children, please bring a pull-up or a change of clothing, and a blanket.

Responsible Adult

The legal parent or guardian MUST accompany the patient to the office and remain during the ENTIRE procedure. Arrange to have a responsible adult spend the rest of the day with the patient.

Contact Updates

Please contact us if any of your contact information changes.  If we are not able to reach you to confirm the surgery then we will have to cancel the appointment.

Appointment Time

We will not be able to give you a set time for your anesthesia appointment until about a month before-hand. We perform these surgeries in order of the child’s age. On these special days we see only five to six patients and set aside about an hour and a half for each appointment. Sometimes these appointments can run longer than expected as we may find more work that needs to be done once we begin. You may experience longer than expected wait times within our office. In this event, we request your patience as we  treat every child with the highest quality of care. We also recommend that you leave all other siblings at home. Please bring a book, handheld toys or something to keep you and your child busy while you are in our office.


Prior to your child’s appointment, the anesthesiologist’s office will contact you to discuss the planned anesthesia and answer any questions that you may have. You can also feel free to contact our office with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your appointment.